1202, 2021

What is UX and UI for Mobile Apps?

February 12th, 2021|

UI and UX Design for Mobile Applications If someone asked you to describe the importance of mobile apps today, what would you say? With every new day, there seems to be more and more new ones in the app stores, some to make our work easier, and [...]

406, 2020

Open4Business: How to reach 5K new clients in 7 days

June 4th, 2020|

Open4Business campaign can help local businesses reach 5k new clients in 7 days We’ve all heard the same phrases recently: "Don't touch your face!” “Respect social distancing.” “Wash your hands, and avoid crowds.” These pieces of advice seem like promises of safety and protection in uncertain moments. They make [...]

203, 2020

7 Key Tips for Driving APP User Engagement

March 2nd, 2020|

Once you launch your app, the User Engagement strategy should be waiting on your desk. At the very beginning, users are deciding whether or not your app is worth downloading, so you need to have strong messaging to show the long-term value of it. One thing is for sure – simply showcasing the app features won’t get you very far. The more specific the problem is that you tend to solve, the more you need to educate your users about the app. We’ve highlighted 7 of the best user engagement tactics, to retain your users and keep them satisfied.

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