Project Description
Golden 360 is a loyalty program app designed to deliver the best hospitality offers in one place.

The idea behind this solution is a win-win position for everyone. There are three main roles, the app owner, which is Golden360, app users – people who will have access to exclusive discounts, and businesses – restaurants, hotels, cafes, fitness centers, etc.
As it’s always been the purpose of a loyalty program, the client aims to create long term relationships with users, providing them with valuable offers over time.
On the other hand, businesses are happy to get an additional source of revenue. Along with an additional revenue stream, a business controls when and what type of discounts it wants to share, creating a great opportunity for improving customer experience and brand awareness.
To get full access to the app, users pay a yearly subscription to access exclusive offers from restaurants, hotels, spas, among other businesses. The available offers far exceed the yearly subscription granting them entrance into the Golden360’s golden circle club.

Mobile apps
Native apps are known for their reliability and security, which is why they are no doubt the best long term solution for any business. These apps make use of the core languages while programming for any specific platform which provides better protection against security violations. We built two native apps for Golden360, Android and iOS. Besides security reasons, there is a whole list of advantages of native apps over other technologies.
iOS App
Android App

Golden 360 Dashboard
Golden 360 will use this dashboard to manage the business. They’ll be able to add/remove businesses, track offers, and control user preferences across the team.
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or give us a call at 469-702-0019
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Standard Time)